Sunday, June 24, 2007


Sorry for the lack of posts lately
i've just recovered from typhoid fever (trust me its not good having to stay in bed for more than a week doing nothing but eat porridge and drink guava juice)
well here are some photos from the halomono ladies night!..i had so much fun because most of my Sou Brette necklaces sold out!
and i got the chance to again show some works with my fellow Fembotz crew Elizabeth Hedytia (whoaaa full name)..cos it's been a reallllllllllyyy long time...but i will always love her haha...check her band Polyponyif you have the time

and to top it off, i guess the best work that night was done by my very good friend Milla , with the invisible doll and the tiny doll shoes and a background of the outerspace completed with music of the darkness on headphones! TOTAL ACE! go milla..or milkikola (?)

you can see i've made a three-dimensional version of my Squared and Disfigured creatures..and they were in holographic land..

speaking of holographic...i'm in love with the new american apparel vegas leggings..anybody interested in getting the gold on black ones for me? late birthday gifts are still accepted :Pposing like always

milla's work

hedytia's work

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